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Drying phase
From now on everything goes as if by itself – even after a flood.
From now on everything goes as if by itself – even after a flood.
Drymat does not only dehumidify the walls, but also desalinates them.
Drying begins on the day of the installation of your Drymat System – depending on specific conditions and wall thickness, the electro-physical wall dehumidification lasts about 2 years. Relatively quickly, of course, the surfaces become dry first, and the core of the walls at the end of the process.
After 1,5 years, we conduct a first control visit, on the basis of which we evaluate the progress of drying.
A very important aspect is that Drymat does not only dehumidify, but also desalinates the structure. Thus, the walls are dried faster and more effectively than it would be in case of a sealing-only treatment, where the salt, naturally, remains in the walls, the basement, the floors, and so on. If this is the case, the hygroscopic salt over and over absorbs moisture from the air – up to three times its own volume. So, the walls inevitably become wetter and wetter. You can once and for all bring an end to this effect with Drymat – even after a flood.
Wall dehumidification with the Drymat®System.